W tym roku każdy zwiedzający jest zobowiązany do wypełnienia Ankiety Epidemiologicznej. Jej celem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa wszystkim uczestnikom wydarzenia.

* I have read and accept the conditions specified in Terms and Conditions for Participants of the Fair ENERGETAB 2020

* I consent to the non-contact temperature measurement upon entering the event.
* I declare that if on the day of the event I am subject to quarantine or sanitary supervision for safety reasons, I will not take part in the event.

* I declare that if, in the last 14 days prior to participation in the event:

  • I had direct contact with a person confirmed to be infected with COVID-19
  • or a person quarantined or isolated due to COVID-19,
  • or a person who had visible symptoms or was exposed to contact with an infected person, for safety reasons I will not take part in the event.
  • * I declare that if, within 14 days before participation in the event, I had any symptoms, in particular a temperature above 38 degrees, cough, breathing problems, for safety reasons I will not participate in the event